Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Share Photo again.. C n C pls ya?
Tag by Rebx
[ 01 ]闷的时候做什么?
Listen to songs, online chat, online game.
[ 02 ]对这个游戏有什么感想?
is this a game?
[ 03 ]最近最快樂的事情是什麽?
everyday is happy day.
[ 04 ]你有知己吗?
should be, maybe?
[ 05 ]有人跟你讲话时,心一直跳..算是有FEEL吗?
what u mean? whose heart beating?
[ 06 ]說出點你名的人三個優點
talkative, hyper-active, funny ?
[ 07 ]最難忘的是哪一天呢?
Everyday lo..
[ 08 ]愛人和被人愛, 哪一種更幸福?
[ 09 ]你覺得自己是一個怎樣的人?
A noob, a little bit friendly.
[ 10 ]如果回到過去, 你最想改變的事情?
No, thanks. Past is past..
[ 11 ]初恋可以永远么?
[ 12 ]最近緊張嗎?為啥?
.. Suddenly got a lot of work before I finish my intern..
[ 13 ]從小到大的夢想是什麽?
Quite many, don't know which to say out also T__T
[ 14 ]如果近期内可以休長假, 你最想做什麽事情?
[ 15 ]最近最想誰?
Who want let me think/miss?
[ 16 ]最近有沒有掉眼淚? 爲什麽?
[17 ]一起床最想做的事
Off my alarm and continue sleep.
[ 18 ]吃飽了嗎?
Not yet!
[ 19 ]现在最想做的事情 ?
Take photo, sleep, eat, travel~
[ 20 ]等待是错误吗?
Don't know.
sam, yivon, ah eng, jia hui, akira, joelene, xyun, khan khan
不懂了 __哈哈
Monday, April 28, 2008
Coming Up when I am free
Apartment Stay
Actually since 2006, we (SXIMB band gang) start to have apartment stay.
But year after year, our people getting less and less.
Black studying in India.
Siao Kia busying helping his parents.
Left 5 of us.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Temporary No Blogging
Going to finish some work first. While aiming for this few day event.
But will online to check my mail and the CB over here.
Can get me at : MSN : saintzboy[@]hotmail[dot].com
First Snowman in Penang
Eh, Not those theme park one la ok?
I mean real snow..
That must be awesome right ?? Right??
But I know this will never Happen in Malaysia..
Especially with 24/7 damm hot weather.
This might came true... :D:D
Below are article from thestar.com.my.. Trust it? Not?
'Snow’ falls from Penang sky White flecks seen during downpour
"PENANG: People may have said you were crazy, but if you thought you saw flecks of snow during the downpour here yesterday morning, you are not alone.
Executive Marina Ab. Jalil, who works on the 12th floor of Menara BHL on Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, was called back to her office to witness the ‘strange phenomenon’.
“My boss, who comes from Beijing, called me to tell me that he and another colleague were seeing snow out the window.
“I was driving at the time and thought he was joking. Since when does it snow in Malaysia? However, when I got back to the office, I did see white things falling with the rain,” she said.
Marina, 36, described the falling particles as dust-like with a cotton texture. (I think aerople that ship bed.. the cotton all came out falling from sky. Like candy rain?)
“They were quite big when it was raining heavily and I took a picture but the photo did not manage to capture the particles,” she said.
A Star photographer who was sent to investigate said he saw flecks that looked like white dust. LOL
“They were extremely fine, so it didn’t come out in the pictures. They looked too light to be ice and seemed to flutter and disappear on the way down,” said the senior photographer, who checked the tops of park-ed cars near the building and found nothing but water.
A check with the Malaysian Meteorological Department showed that the temperature in the state reached a low 24.3 degrees Celsius yesterday.
“It’s highly unlikely and almost impossible that it was snow,” said an official.
“It could have been haze particles, but it’s very hard to say as I did not see it,” he added.
A department spokesman said it had never snowed in Malaysia although there had been instances of hail during intense thunderstorms.
SO... is it gonna snow or no snow?? T_________T
If really got.. gonna make snowman liao :D
Penang Boleh~
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Announcement ya?
There will be Sikh New Year Celebration Open House at New World Park this Saturday 26th April from 6pm to 11pm. They serve punjabi food HOHO. So dont miss out to go so that can learn about other races yea?
Next, on the 30 April 2008 Wednesday.. 6pm to Mid Nite..
Got New World Park Jazz Festical 2008.
For those who interested about jazz music lets meet there ok?
Both event are free entrance. So if want to meet me leave a msg here OK?
Know I shoot this from where?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Urban GrooveUltimaxx Hip Hop Street Dance Competition 2008
Also present is Mac n RuiYang.
So what's up about this compeition?
It is a hip hop competition.
Anyway for your information, all team that take part is from Urban Groove dance school.
So, it just like a competition for their students to see which student team are better.

After that, back to Masyarakat Penyayang and still don't have pass for me to enter.
Suppose I need to have a pass and buy a ticket for Yivon.
But somehow, we both walk in without pass or ticket. Thanks to CSF.
While me and Mac Tan stand by, an aunt asked us if we are selling the photo that we take or not.
$__$ wow.. Haha, does me look like that PRO? Hmm..
Then I replied her, "Sorry, we are here to take for the organiser of this event, if you want, you can ask the in-charge to sell you"

Then when the
I tell you what, the 2 Emcee was telling cold joke and talking cold word. No one is laughing or responding to what they talk. It was like.... they not suit to be the Emcee ler..
Some more after few group performance, they like to POTONG THE STIM. Duh..

By the way..
How can they give marks for mistake.. The more mistake they do.. the marks is 9/10? O_O.

That's CSF. Who "invited" me there.
Quite a number of team that take part.
One of the team, from what the Emcee telling the Audience... this team member all become MOTHER already.
What? Yes.. Mummy.. Mama.. Mother..
Who are they? They quite famous among them..
They are..
Forever Young.

He do his beat box. Hey... he really good at it~~. Penang quite rare got beatboxer.

But, this part was the funniest part of all OK? Even the cold joker also cannot make that funny.
Rules: Just try to follow what the BEAT BOXER PRO beat box. And for those who can do it well, they will win SOMETHING after that.

It because you can hear not BEAT BOX sound but those..
Errr.. Ahh.. EEE.. yerr Ughhh.. HAHA sound. SWT.

This group perform damm nice.
Macam got story.

Wah lao, I tell you.. the stage is more people that the audience.
They call team by team to go up to get their prize.

SO.... Thats all about this COMPETITION.

Sorry for the bad/blur/dark/noise images. I am still noob in indoor low light photography.
I took about 400photos but not much can be use. So..
Thats all. Thanks
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pikom PC Fair 2008/April
Even myself and my dear and mr photographer adrian got stuck between the cars.
Damm sien CHIU NOE?

So, we end up with parking at Opposite Public Bank there. SWT.
Long story short talk, we walk in.. At first, I thought I walk into wrong place. Or walk into wrong fair.
Inside is all greennnnnnnnnnnnny. Green yesh.. GREEN. HIJAU. I tell you what.. I no bluff you..
Every time you walk into the arena/middle/upper or what-so-ever they call.
The first thing U will see is the S.E.C ballon.
Anyway, I met Mickey there on PC Fair.
Er.. Mickey... MOUSE?Of course I heard my friend telling me that got friend who work there.
So let me show you who I spotted there ya?
First, is xinyun she work at BenQ booth.
We were guessing.. eh is that her? It look like her.. but doesn't look like her leh.. SWT.at Then, my college junior.. Shurteen. She work at HP selling laptop. Don't play play..
As usual when you in a Fair.. they will stick their artwork on their booth.
So.. Macam-macam ada jual eh. Haha Was helping my dear to find 3 in 1 printer for her friends. So we stop by this booth that selling printer.
and... Adrian saw the free warranty paper for him to grab.
I take a photo of him happily..
Of course he did put it back ler..
We not so evil K?
Please let me introduce to you.. A very geng laptop.. You hear the name also you will feel scary arr..
How? Scary? Kepala Kembar eh? Ogre Magi!!
But what so special of this laptop.. Of course not because of the laptop got 2 head la wei. =.=
I repeat..
Wont spoil if fall on FLOOR.
How the water resistance work?
Look at the photo below.

See!! Is real water OK? When you thirsty U can drink!!! =.=
What kind of people so bad.. Go pour water on their laptop. BAKA

See or not!! Water coming out!! Keyboard still can for u to PRESS PRESS

But too bad... It's only resist on keyboard part..
Your mouse port, usb port or whatever HOLE that for you to POK don't have RESISTANCE K?
So.. You want to buy?
My friend want to buy ram for his laptop before we leave.
So we drop by one of the booth outside to wait the people to put the RAM for him.
And we saw... Chilli and Louie..

But wait, why Adrian Look so down???

Well, it's because of his 50mm is broken. Sad lehhh T_T
Really super fragile.. A small knock and bye bye.

While waiting.. I saw Mr. Transpomer caged inside this box:
Oh NO.. His ram was taken out..
Somebody save him PLSSSS.

OK.. cut the CRAP =.=
Here's some photo of CHILLI

And LOUIE the MONKEY ....After Everything was done... Finish.. Habis... 完蛋。。
It's time to say..
Bye bye.