Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Birthday

Thursday, February 28, 2008
she called it E-Award.

from miss bluuurrrrryhuuuunniiiiiiiee for my excellent photos posted in my blog.
(sorry bout ur nick.. eheehee)
thx to her for award this Super E to me :D ng koi sai arrrrr.. xie xie ni.. kam sa ha mi da, arigato, terima kasih..
then, as she pass the award to me, mean that her blog reader pass that award to her. because of she also pass this to me, so i will pass this award to others too. I think is a bloggers traditional? culture? hehe..
and so.. the award winner is.............................
adrian, gilbert - for their excellent photos.. mai siao siao.. both future top photographer in Penang, Malaysia and Asia.. add oil ehh
huansheng - for his chinese blog, is the only i read .. lolx.
joe-lene - she is my 1st blog fren list.
eng, sam, jia hui, khan khan - cos they are my classmate. hehehe
last but not least..
yivon - cos.. she is the one i love.. haha
Before I offically close this award ceremony (i din officially start it also =.=) I would like to say sorry to blurry cos she not gonna receive this award from me. cos mummy say dun be greedy. no good no good... HAHA. anyway.. thx again to her.. ngek ngek..!!
something to bla..
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
what you say?
Recently, I went out with my friends and family especially when go eat. When I walk around to order some food for myself, I heard...
A: Eh, what are you doing here so late?
B: Eat la, what else?
I was thinking, so late come here of course eat la, if not come here sleep meh =.=
You see, we like to ask question when we see our friend out there.. er.. or is part of words that came out from our mouth.
Last few days in a restaurant, a bunch of girl having their dinner together. Suddenly a friend of dont know which girl saw her and..
C: Eh D, Hi!!!, what you doing here?
D: ..... ( i think she tell her she was having dinner?)
but for me, i will answer C "huh? what you doing here then?
How about I create a situation that got me or any of you and for you to reply me.
Location: Cyber Cafe / Internet Cafe
Time: Anytime
You: Paying 101% concertration on your GAME.
I saw you playing game and walk to you then ask you,
Me: Eh, what you doing ar?
You: reply in comment pls.
Duh.. cold.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Chap Goh Mei (hokkien) in Penang

Ever imagine if all the bus in Penang decorate with light like this?

The place for people to throw, I dint go pick. So don't ask me if I got pick one or not.

Yeap, met adrian there unexpectedly but should expected that he will be going there.

the Emcee of the night, the best Emcee ever.. why? cos he and his gang will show us a fireworks presentation.

the crowd of the night, gosh, although is only a stage for performance and a smaller stage for throwing Chinese Orange, still full with true-ly penang-ite. was chatting with adrian and taking some random photo, saw this cute gurl and we both take her photo. her mum ask her to pose a bit for us to take photo, wah lao ehh

the night end with fireworks.. quite long also the presentation~..

I would like to officialy announce that this post is done with incomplete news. bahwhahahah.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Again, we get the side effect of earthquake!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dicky get along and play with CJ7. They just like the best friend in the world. But he misunderstood bout the dog, he thought the dog got super power/magic. So he try to cheat during his exam. Of course he fail because the doggy not as powerful as what he imagined. End up with 0% mark in his exam paper. He edit it to 100% then and show to his father.

Of course, when his father found out that he edit it, actualy is add the figures 1 and 0 infront. -.- He get angry and have a small quarrel with his son. Which make him say the word that hurt his son.
Then.. suddenly my seating place in cinema shake. At first, I thought the people behind me use his/her leg kick the chair I seating. And I was planning to turn behind I scold him --
but then, wait... its shaking left and right. feeling dizzy already. and i look and radius and other. jiahui and hplww walk out and saw people running out from theater. So they came back to us and ask us go out as well.
OMFG, is Earthquake!! is really shaky shaky make my dizzy. Damn. No wonder. but.. that time in the room, only 6 of us leave the room. the other dint leave, dono is they dint feel or they don't scare D** lo. =.= haha. Anyway, the earthquake stop and return to normal.
We walk back into the cinema and continue our movie, but...................... we sit down awhile only, the movie END. wtf?? =.=

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Veteran Hong Kong actress Lydia Sum dies
HONG KONG (AP): Veteran Hong Kong actress Lydia Sum, known for her iconic black-rimmed glasses and heavy build, died early Tuesday, news reports said. She was reportedly 61.
The cause of death wasn't immediately clear, but Commercial Radio reported on its Web site that Sum had been suffering from a bile duct condition. Radio RTHK reported on its Web site she suffered from liver cancer.
Born in Shanghai in 1947, Sum made her movie debut at age 13, according to the Commercial Radio report.
She acted in more than 100 movies in Hong Kong and hosted more than 5,000 episodes of variety shows. Her credits also include a starring role in the Singaporean English-language sit-com "Living with Lydia.''
Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang mourned Sum's death.
"Hong Kong grew up with her laughter. She brought us a lot of joy,'' Tsang told reporters.
Sum is survived by ex-husband, actor Adam Cheng, and their daughter Joyce Cheng.
source: -- http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/2/19/apworld/20080219131822&sec=apworld
I did watch her entertainment show last time like 开心果 and some of her movie. Really, her laugh was very strong and powerful that could always stay in our heart. May her rest in peace.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Motion gRaphic house visit~
- sorry bout the 1st photo, rotate wrong... anyway as u can see.. a lot of... FOOD

Radius: eh.. this chick.. cook already o not.. -.-
then, the arrival of Schizzow KYS. lolx
again Wen.dy, she say, why u take photo of those never do work one. =.= so i snap a photo of her.
that nite actually quite small amount of people.. er.. around 15 to 18 like that.. half of it is their classmate. also my ex, ex, ex, ex, ex,.... senior
Radius: not me not me, is her take one!
Schizzow: heehee..
Mr Loke busying BBQ for himself. so lonelyyy
and he finish his food very fast... cos he scare we steal his chicken wing =.=
before we leave, will.i.am and wen.dy treat us some cigarettes. heard b3 hillburb? not DunHill. make in Taiwan. quite nice the taste. hehe.
ah eng try to climb up. but he fail. we were doing some survey see if got thief will him able to climb.
the result is.. CANNOT.
Lastly.. a group photo.. but i dont have the photo. so. wait for wen.dy to send me. i will offically end this post. HAHA!

anyway, thx adrian for the photo and thx rebx for editing.
i did some editing on my face a bit..
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Chinese New Year 2008
This year CNY eve, my house invited lion dance team to "dance" for good prosperity, good health, good wealth.. semua bagui mia.. haha.
My Hometown temple
- first thing to do when reach hometown, is to PRAY.
went to the house nearby eh chinese temple wif my mum and small aunt.
- like the sky there. and the scenary of course.
- car.. xD
- inside the temple..
actually the BBQ plan shuldnt held at my hometown, due to the fully booked apartment in Penang, so we back hometown and BBQ.The sky there really nice..
- the satay man... hehehhe
- on the 1st day of CNY, it was also the b'day of my uncle. so, he was suprised by his daugther celebrating with him there.
- you know what's a look when u 1 shot eat a lot of wasabi?..
haha, was playing game with my cousin and my small aunt.
all of them lose and got to eat the bbq food which have wasabi, black pepper, pepper powder, thousand island and a lot of different SAUCE.
The whole game only me and my 2nd bro din lose. Bwahahahah
The kids~
- this one, i should say is baby. one of my cousin's son. - the cute girl is my small uncle's youngest daugther.
- this my 五舅‘s son. He is in the car ready wan back to their house.
The doggy
- introducing my blur blur LUI LUI. haha, she always aim people eh shoe lace..
- 不到翁 - Lui Lui
- Friends of her.. was my cousin *C*'s dog. Name Ruby. A male dog.
- Lui Lui sayang-ing Ruby.. well well.. haha
2 play full doggy. kao lat..
Some random photo(s) The S.J.C *nt S.H.E*
Last but not least, 兄弟姐妹>.<